Well first of all I just finished reading an interview with the Game Director for Age of Conan:
I've been looking at it for awhile, trying to decide on my next MMO, and it sounds like an amazing game! Much more action and story oriented than most cliche, point-and-click, grind-your-ass-off, WoW clones that are around the market these days, can't wait til next christmas!
Also, my new computer seems to be a go...almost got enough money (it's gonna be just under 1,100) I've had some second thoughts but it'll probably be for the best. I've been having trouble deciding on what parts to use with mixed reviews and tutorials, but I've got a good two months to worry about it. Hopefully by then Vista well be working properly.
On the concert front i went to Battle of the Bands last night and it was quite a show. The first couple were enjoyable, had some good musicians and song choices, but the last two were the interesting ones. The last band was The Casual Fridays, somewhat famous around campus, they were expected to be one of the best and they did end up winning...enjoyed them a lot. The interesing band was 1000 Plastic Spoons. I'm friends with most of them, or are at least acquainted, they did a blow out job...for freshman. In song choices and musicians they were very close to Casual Fridays, I'm sure the juniors and seniors were not happy to see such competition from freshman....nothing bad happened though, was an honorable show.
Next year should be interesting...Spoons are a shoe in and Infrastructure is thinking about trying out...hopefully we actually do something RIGHT this time.