I've thought about the differences between being wise and being intelligent. I am reading a recent essay from Paul Graham entitled "Is It Worth Being Wise?" and he says that wisdom is knowing what to do in certain situations while intelligence is well....quite similar but there are some gray areas. I've always thought that wisdom was much different from knowledge or intelligence.
Wisdom is being smart about life, being reflective, and thinking about ways to explain everything. Wisdom can almost be thought of as a route to intelligence. When you have wisdom and use it you can be, for lack of better word, smarter and learn better; you grow from experience amentally and physically by retaining and applying knowledge. I like to relate wisdom to crew. Coach always says that rowing is "90% mental" and that you have to believe you can do better in order to do it. You may be strong, but that doesn't mean you can move a boat; you have to make every stroke stronger than the one before it. Wisdom is having the mentality and mental capacity to accomplish your tasks and respond to problems.
Intelligence, on the other hand, is knowledge of facts. You may know the physics of rowing and you know what good technique is but even the strongest person in a crew isn't the most contributing member, although it certainly helps. Just because you know a lot of facts and information doesn't mean you can be wise.