Age of Conan pushed back to 2008

Funcom announced today that they're pushing the release of Age of Conan back (again) to March 25, 2008. With this push Age of Conan will have officially been delayed three years and I doubt the community is responding too well to that. Now the game will be releasing just behind Warhammer Online which may affect sales if people decide to invest in it instead.

This push doesn't come as much of a surprise though. Funcom has released very little content for a game that was scheduled to release in just three months and with lacking quality and content for Beta testers it is probably for the best that Funcom is providing themselves with an extra five months to polish it up. I think we can all agree we'd rather have an excellent, completed game half a year later than a rushed finished just to make a release date. We don't need a repeat of Vanguard.

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