Music, Haikus, and ...

Feelin' good about Infrastructure, we recorded a cover of One by U2 over the weekend, I hate the bongo part I made up (it was a 20 min job anyways) so i invented a new one and it sounds a lot better, were gonna record it this week. Hopefully Michelle decides to start writing her own songs...

The current version is here:

Thinkin about getting a stratocaster, I've got the cash but parents are stingy. I hardly need one anyways, I play piano and I've already got a drum set and a bass. Maybe I'm being brat about it but I just like being able to play different instruments...w/e I'll figure something out. Bass is averagely enjoyable, not my favorite, I'm probably still in love with drumming so maybe I'll sell my bass and amp at some point and buy some guitar stuff...that's what I really wanna do, too bad parents will never understand that. CANNOT wait til I have my own place.

Also found another webcomic...its called MacHall, totally story of my life. Ya'll should read it sometime:

Here's a favorite, totally describes my life, read the title:

Besides that I plan to start writing album reviews in the school paper...I'll post 'em up here as I finish them, gotta decide who I should start with...nothing too emo and probably nothing mainstream but nothing so indie that no one will care. Maybe Decemberists, I could always do combo articles describing either the band or another album that people woud've heard before.
